Term 2 Week 5 - Thursday 26th May 2022
Run Club Wednesdays
On Wednesdays we run!
With pink cheeks and the blood pumping, each Wednesday from 8.30-8.45 am we walk, run and chat our way around the school.
Thanks to Mr Edge for providing the tunes!
Run Club Photos

2023 Enrolments Now Open!
If you currently have a child at St Mary's and they have a sibling attending next year, please let us know so we can send an enrolment enquiry form home for you to complete.
RAT Kits at Office
We still have a substantial supply of RAT kits available from the office. It is recommended students still continue to test twice weekly. Please do not send your child to school if they are displaying symptoms of being unwell.
Happy Birthday!
To the following students celebrating their birthdays this week:
Joel M, Scarlett B, Hayden C, James & Ivy L

Upcoming Dates
Friday 27th May
WSP @ 9am- Middle 1
Lunch Order Day
Wednesday 1st June
School Closure Day
Friday 3rd June
Black Ranges Winter Sports (Senior LC)
WSP @ 9am- Middle 2
Lunch Order Day
Friday 10th June
WSP @ 9am- Junior 1
Lunch Order Day
Monday 13th June
Queens Birthday
Tuesday 14th June
School Closure Day
Friday 17th June
WSP @ 9am- Middle 2
Last Lunch Order Day for Term 2
Friday 24th June
Last Day of Term 2
WSP @ 9am- Foundation
Early finish @ 2.15pm
Monday 11th July
First Day of Term 3
2022 Sacrament Program Information
Wednesday 1st June
Times: 3.15pm or 5.30pm
Parents of children of sacrament age (Year 3 and above) are invited to a meeting at the Parish Office to begin this year’s program for Confirmation and First Eucharist.
Year 7 2023 Marian College Enrolment Interviews

Ararat College Year 7 2023 Information Evening