Term 4 Week 7 - Friday 18th November 2022
From our Principal
Dear Families,
This Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King which the church year comes to a close. It invites us to consider ways to achieve the things that make for peace. Jesus established His kin-dom and invites all of us to be a part of it and for peace to be realised on Earth. This feast day leads us into Advent, which in itself is a time for us to reorient ourselves in preparation for the great celebration of Jesus’ entry into the world.
Christ In All I arise today…..
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me
Christ on my right, Christ on my left
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me
Christ in the eye that sees me, Christ in the ear that hears me.
I arise today…..
(Attributed to St Patrick)
Every blessing for the week ahead
Catholic Mission BBQ Lunch Fundraisers
DOJO Celebrations for Term 3
Congratulations to the following students below for being in the top 20% of their classroom. A celebraton was held last week for these students.
Foundation: Rex McCarthy, Marcus Hermosilla, Hamish Brady, Rogan Gray
Junior 1: Hamish Sladdin, Isobel Lewis, Oscar Fox, Remy Buncle, Scarlett Bibby
Junior 2: Bohdi Gray, Phoebe Harris, Henry Jerram, Rafferty Burn
Middle 1: Hunter Newberry, Amelia Griffiths, Zebina Lewis, Ella Blandford
Middle 2: Josh Haffenden, Pat Harrington, Ari Strafel, Eden Harrison
Senior 1: Charlotte Newberry, Nansi Bourizk, Matilda Lyons
Senior 2: Evie Harrington, Maddison Jardine, Tayla Sladdin, Eleanor Sladdin
Upcoming Dates
Friday 25th November
Catholic Mission BBQ Lunch #3
Monday 28th November
Student Free Day
Tuesday 29th November
Year 6 Transition Day @ Marian College
2023 Foundation Visit 2.05pm - 3.05pm
Friday 2nd December
Whole School Prayer lead by SLC2
Catholic Mission BBQ Lunch #4
Monday 5th December
Susan McLean - Cyber Safety Parent Session
Time TBA
Tuesday 6th December
Susan McLean - Cyber Safety Student Session
2023 Foundation Visit 2.05pm - 3.05pm
Friday 9th December
Whole School Prayer lead by Foundation
Tuesday 13th December
Whole School Transition Day
Thursday 15th December
End of Year Whole School Mass @ 9.15am
Year 6 Graduation @ 6pm
Friday 16th December
Year 6 Big Day Out
Students Last Day
Tuesday 20th December
Staff Last Day
Friday 27th January
Staff First Day 2023
Monday 30th January
Students First Day 2023
Happy Birthday!
To the following students celebrating their birthdays this fortnight:
Amelia G, Nowa W, Sam B & Lachlan M

Unclaimed Bush Dance Raffle Prize
If you were, or know, the raffle winner of the sheep manure donated by The Christie Family at the Bush Dance, could you please get in touch with us so we can forward your details on? Thank you in advance!
St Mary's Christmas Cards For Sale

Parish Bulletin
Our Diocesan Community November Issue

In Our Local Community