PAM (Parent Access Module)
At St Mary's, we use a program called PAM (Parent Access Module) in order to communicate to our families important upcoming events, newsletters, excursion notices, absences, school reports and other items. This is available through SIMON our school administration system.
Click here to log on to PAM
Families that are new to the school are given log on details when they enrol their child/ren.
Daily Timetable
8.55am Children assemble in Davey Hub
9.00am Classes begin
11.00am Lunch play
11.40am Supervised lunch eating
12.00pm Classes resume
2.00pm Afternoon recess
2.15pm Classes resume
3.15pm Dismissal
3.20pm School buses begin to depart
The school gates are opened at and supervised from 8.30am. The school gates are closed at 9.00am.
As part of our attendance requirements all late arrivals must sign in through the school office.
School Buses: Country Bus Service
Children wishing to travel to and from school on country buses must complete an ’Application for Permission to
Travel’ form, available from the school office.
The bus interchange is located at Ararat College. Children travelling on buses may need
to change buses at the interchange in the morning and afternoon.
School Buses: Town Bus Service
Children living within the Ararat city limits can utilise the town bus service. Parents of children wishing to use the
town bus service need to contact Christians Bus Lines directly on 5352 1501 to organise pick-up and drop-off times
and locations.
All bus travellers at St Mary’s assemble in their bus lines in the Davey Hub at the end of the school day.
A member of staff accompanies the children to their buses to ensure appropriate supervision. This staff member
will mark a bus roll daily.
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders are available from the Marian College canteen each Friday. These must be on sent to school on a
Thursday morning, prior to 11am. Money for your child’s lunch order must be placed inside an
envelope with their name, class, room number and their order clearly written on the front. This is then placed into
a brown paper bag with any hot food written on the front.
It is a requirement at St Mary’s that all children wear the appropriate uniform to school daily. If there is a reason
that your child is unable to wear the correct school uniform, we request that you write a note to your child’s class
School hats are compulsory in Terms One and Four and children are expected to wear them when they go
All incoming students receive their first school hat free, otherwise hats are available for purchase from the school office for $10 (cash only).
All other items of uniform are available from Fosters Mensland in Ararat. Generic blue polo shirts and shorts/pants can be purchased at department stores.
All school clothing and possessions must be clearly marked with your child’s name where possible.
Parents will be informed of which day their child is required to wear their sports uniform. On the day of our
annual Athletics Carnival, students can wear the colour of their House Team. New families will be
notified of House Teams prior to Sports Day. Immediate family members will be in the same House Team.